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What database can I use that does not need an application to be installed

Hi I am creating a windows application and I need to select a database. I dont want to go out and install sql server express for every person who uses my application.

What database can I use that does not need an application to be installed. I would like to have a database for each customer that is stored locally.

It would depend on what you wanted to use it for, if you just want one database for each user then I would look at using SQLite

If you need one database for every user that SQL server installed on a remote server would be ideal

在这些情况下, SQLite处于困境。

I use SQLite ( http://www.sqlite.org/ ). It's free and you just have to distribute a dll It allows you to manage up to 14 terabytes sized DBs ( http://www.sqlite.org/limits.html )

I think its better to use : SQL Light database might resolve your problem.

Limits In SQLite

I'd think of using SQLite. It is serverless and requires no preconfiguration on the users part. Each database is simply kept as a single file. Read this SQLite

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