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What is the best way to iterate objects using linq

           var AddQuery = from newdist in newSpec.Distributions
               where !( from oldDist in oSpec.Distributions
               select oldDist.Id).Contains( newdist.Id )
               select newdist;

          foreach (var dist in AddQuery)
          var updateQuery = from oldDistributionForUpdate in ospec.Distributions
                            where (from newDistributionForUpdate in newspec.Distributions
                            select newDistributionForUpdate.DistributionId).Contains(oldDistributionForUpdate.DistributionId)
                            (from newDistributionForUpdate in newpaymentSpecification.Distributions
                            select newDistributionForUpdate.Amount).Equals(oldDistributionForUpdate.Amount)
                            select oldDistributionForUpdate;

          foreach (var dist in updateDistQuery)
            dist.operation = "Update";

I am planning to have a collection of objects from both the query results & process them, Is there a simpler way to achieve what I am doing?

In your original snippet, you are matching on Id for AddQuery and on DistributionId for UpdateQuery . If this is a typo and it should be Id or DistributionId for both cases, then you can process Add and Update much more efficiently in the same loop.

var AddUpdateQuery = from newdist in newSpec.Distributions
                         join oldDist in oSpec.Distributions
                         on newdist.Id equals oldDist.Id into matchingDistributions
                         select new { newdist, matchingDistributions };

    foreach (var dist in AddUpdateQuery)
        if (!dist.matchingDistributions.Any())
            dist.newdist.operation = "Add";
            //additional processing for "Add" operation.
        else if (dist.newdist.Amount == dist.matchingDistributions.First().Amount)
            dist.newdist.operation = "Update";
            //additional processing for "Update" operation.

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