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XPath results to empty string

Following is my XML file

<xyzevent xmlns="http://www.xyz.com/common/xyzevent/v1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org2001XMLSchema-instance">
<subscription xmlns="http://www.xyz.com/common/xyzevent/source/v1">

When I budila org.w3c.dom.Document from this XML and applying XPathExperssion with expression


results empty string. What can be the issue with the expression?

Thank you

That's because your XML document uses a namespace. XPath is really annoying with namespaces. To confirm this, strip the two xmlns=http://.../v1 from the document and run your XPath expression agains the unnamespaced, unverifiable XML file. It'll match.

What's happening is that your XPath expression tries to select /xyzevent , when your document contains {http://.../v1}:xyzevent , which is not the same thing.

There are various ways around this problem. The proper way is to set up a NamespaceContext so you can use the prefix:localName notation in your XPath expression and have the prefixes be resolved to the correct URI. There's a short blurb about this in the xerces docs and some more elsewhere on StackOverflow . There's an extensive description at ibm.com .

Your NamespaceContext will contain two (or more) mappings:

    event => http://www.xyz.com/common/xyzevent/v1
    source => http://www.xyz.com/common/xyzevent/source/v1

Your XPath expression can then become /event:xyzevent/source:subscription/source:receiver/.../text() .

As a nasty workaround, you can rewrite your xpath expression to select using the local-name() function:

/*[local-name()='xyzevent']/*[local-name()='subscription'/ ...

In this case, the expression matches any element whose local name is xyzevent , regardless of namespace URI.

Your XML has default namespace: xmlns="http://www.xyz.com/common/xyzevent/v1" , therefore you need to define it in your XML/XPath engine.

Or use this XPath:

/*[local-name() = 'xyzevent']
    /*[local-name() = 'subscription']
        /*[local-name() = 'receiver']
            /*[local-name() = 'clientsubscription']
                /*[local-name() = 'servicemap']


I evaluated your expression in the following link:


And it seems, it selects "nanna".

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