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Matching URL of specific pattern

I'm trying match URLs like these:


Using this regular expression:


This is basically two parts, part one capturing the name:


part two capturing "features":


I'm interested in capturing:

group 1: something_with_underscore
group 2: (everything after group 1)
group 3: (first integer 10 of 10x10 part)
group 4: (second integer 10 of 10x10 part)
group 5: (the integer 3600 or whatever it is - if is there)
group 6: _mark (if is there)
group 7: (png, jpg, gif)

I'm using negative lookahead with a pattern looking like the matching group to get the name of the file. I'm doing this to allow _ in the name-part of the url. This, however, fails. (if you can see another way of achieving this please do tell).

I think it has to do with the _ and . but I cannot seem to figure out how.

If for instance you remove the first _ from the expression the three last test cases will match correctly.

Is this what you are looking for? It matches all your examples.




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