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Executing UninstallString using C#

I have a problem to execute uninstallString using process, it won't work in all cases. I need a generic procedure that will run in any case.

  • one of my ideas was to parse uninstall string


int indexOfExe = uninstallString.ToLower().IndexOf(".exe") + 4;
string exeFile = uninstallString.Substring(0, indexOfExe).Trim();
string args = uninstallString.Substring(indexOfExe, uninstallString.Length - indexOfExe).Trim();

if (args.Length > 0)
    procStartInfo.FileName = exeFile;
    procStartInfo.Arguments = args;
    procStartInfo.FileName = exeFile;
    procStartInfo.Arguments = "";

procStartInfo.Verb = "runas";
procStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
procStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false ;
System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
proc.StartInfo = procStartInfo;
  • my second idea was:


if (uninstallString.Contains("msiexec"))
    uninstallString = uninstallString.Replace("\"", "");
    uninstallString = RegistryHandler.getCommandInCommaAndArgumentsOutside(uninstallString);
    procStartInfo.FileName = "cmd";

    string[] words = uninstallString.Split("/".ToCharArray());

    if (uninstallString.StartsWith(@"""") && words.Count() == 1)
        procStartInfo.FileName = uninstallString;
        procStartInfo.Arguments = "";
        //procStartInfo.Arguments = "/c " + "\"" + uninstallString + "\"";
        if ((uninstallString.StartsWith(@"""") && words.Count() > 1))
            procStartInfo.Arguments = "/c " + uninstallString;
            procStartInfo.Arguments = "/c " + RegistryHandler.getCommandInCommaAndArgumentsOutsideByExe(uninstallString);

but still it won't cover all cases.

What is the generic solution for all cases?

Here is my code, using the same way as Roy did,perhaps a litter simpler:

  private string SwitchCondition(string uninstallstring)
        if (uninstallstring.Substring(0, 1).Equals("\"") |
            uninstallstring.ToLower().Contains("msiexec") |
        else if (uninstallstring.ToLower().IndexOf(".exe") > 0)
            uninstallstring = "\"" + uninstallstring.Insert(uninstallstring.ToLower().IndexOf(".exe") + 4, "\"");
            Debug.WriteLine("Contains .exe" + uninstallstring);
            uninstallstring = "\"" + uninstallstring + "\"";
            Debug.WriteLine("Case end " + uninstallstring);

        return uninstallstring;

Your second idea should, technically, work (for all programs using Windows Installer). However, you need to get the proper uninstall string. I suspect the problem is your Uninstall String is incorrect.

You should be able to query the registry for the Uninstall String by looking at:


The section above marked {NameOfApplication} should have an entry for all programs which can be uninstalled. For details, see the Uninstall Registry Key .

//i wrote this code, which is working in most of the cases :


            if (uninstallString.Contains("msiexec"))
                uninstallString = uninstallString.Replace("\"", "");
                uninstallString = RegistryHandler.getCommandInCommaAndArgumentsOutside(uninstallString);
                  if (uninstallString.StartsWith(@""""))
                     int indexOfLastComma = uninstallString.IndexOf("\"", 1) + 1;
                     procStartInfo.FileName = uninstallString.Substring(0, indexOfLastComma);
                     procStartInfo.Arguments = uninstallString.Substrin(indexOfLastComma,uninstallString.Length - indexOfLastComma));

                      procStartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
                      procStartInfo.Arguments = "/c " + RegistryHandler.getCommandInCommaAndArgumentsOutsideByExe(uninstallString); 


          public static string getCommandInCommaAndArgumentsOutsideByExe(string command)
                   int ind = 0;
                   string[] prms = command.Split(' ');

                   ind = prms[0].Length; //command.IndexOf(".exe") + 4;

                   int exeLocationIndex = command.IndexOf(".exe") + 4;
                   string cmd = command.Substring(0, exeLocationIndex);
                   string arguments = command.Substring(command.IndexOf(".exe") + 4, command.Length - exeLocationIndex);

                   return "\"" + cmd + "\"" + arguments;

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