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How should I deal with null objects in a using block?

Given a situation like this:

using (var foo = CreateFoo()) {
    if (foo != null) {
        // do stuff

I would like to avoid the nested if. Sadly, the obvious solution is not possible because break does not work with using:

using (var foo = CreateFoo()) {
    if (foo == null) {
    // do stuff

Is there a pattern to still avoid the additional indentation caused by the if != null ?


I favor small clearly named methods:

public void DoWhatEver()
   using (var foo = CreateFoo())
     if (foo == null) return;


Introduce a helper method that takes a lambda. So your code becomes:

UsingIfNotNull(CreateFoo(), foo => {
  //do stuff

which has the indentation you want. The definition of UsingIfNotNull is:

public static void UsingIfNotNull<T>(T item, Action<T> action) where T : class, IDisposable {
  if(item!=null) {
    using(item) {

This is just a style issue ... code is fine. Are you really that worried about indents? Here's another way to lose the indents anyway ...

public void DoWhatEver()
   using(var foo = CreateFoo())


private void DoStuffWithFoo(Foo foo)
    if(foo == null) return;




It's an ugly hack, but it avoids the additional identation:

do using (var foo = CreateFoo()) {
    if (foo == null) {
    // do stuff
} while (false);

(No, I don't recommend to do this. This is just a proof-of-concept to show that it's possible.)

If possible, I would suggest to refactor your code instead:

 using (var foo = CreateFoo()) {
    if (foo != null) {
        doSomethingWith(foo);  // only one line highly indented

Personally I would probably leave the code as you've posted it.

However, since you asked (and at the risk of exposing myself to downvotes to this often-maligned language feature), you could always use "goto":

using (var foo = CreateFoo()) {
    if (foo == null) {
        goto SkipUsingBlock;
    // do stuff

// the rest of the code...

C# compiler treats using(var foo = CreateFoo()) statement in:

var foo = CreateFoo();
  ((IDisposable) foo).Dispose();

If your method CreateFoo return not disposable object - do not use using at all. In other case you can write:

var foo = CreateFoo();
//do stuff like foo.SomeMethod (if foo == null exception will be thrown and stuff will not be done)
  ((IDisposable) foo).Dispose();

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