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float <-> std::string conversion alternative?

is there any alternative to atof , strtod , lexical_cast , stringstream or sprintf ?

that is:

  1. fast
  2. C++ way ( std::string instead of char* )
  3. safe (no buffer overrun risk)
  4. valid (return NaN if conversion couldn't be made)
  5. no external library (independent)

I prefer more like this , a simple function, optimized, and to the point

reason :

  • atof and strtod is C function and they are not returning NaN upon failure, I prefer working on std::string , so I just asking if anyone already writing some wrapper to std::string that I can use (if you don't mind).
  • lexical_cast has boost dependency
  • stringstream is slow
  • sprintf has buffer overflow risk and its C function

I'd look at Boost Spirit

At least the benchmarks of the formatters (that is float -> string) consistently turn out as top-of-the-bill* 1 *

Also the exact input format specification and semantics when parsing can be configured very nicely using a policy class.

Here is my absolute min-dependency use of qi::any_real_parser<> and the list of dependendencies it touches:

#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_real.hpp>

namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;

int main()
    const char input[] = "3.1415926";
    const char *f(input);
    const char *l(f+strlen(input));

    qi::any_real_parser<double> x;
    double parsed;
    x.parse(f, l, qi::unused, qi::unused, parsed);

    return 0;

  • boost/concept
  • boost/config
  • boost/detail
  • boost/exception
  • boost/fusion
  • boost/iterator
  • boost/math
  • boost/mpl
  • boost/optional
  • boost/preprocessor
  • boost/proto
  • boost/range
  • boost/regex
  • boost/spirit
  • boost/typeof
  • boost/type_traits
  • boost/utility
  • boost/variant


1 eg http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_47_0/libs/spirit/doc/html/spirit/karma/performance_measurements/numeric_performance/double_performance.html

If you want to convert from numerical types to std::string there's a std::to_string function available in the latest standard.

Unfortunately as I've found out recently, in Visual Studio 2010 it is somewhat limited because there are only three overloads available for it; long double, long long, and unsigned long long. This causes issues when trying to use them from within templates.

The fast format library should be able to do the kinds of transformations you're looking for, at least for writing a float out. It does not handle parsing of a float, however.

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