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How to skip row when importing bad MySQL dump

Given bad mysqldump that causes error on import:

namtar backups # mysql -p < 2010-12-01.sql
Enter password: 
ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 8020: Duplicate entry 'l�he?' for key 'wrd_txt'

Is there an easy way to tell import to just skip given row and continue?

(Yes, I know I can manually edit the file or parse output, but it's not very convinient)

If you can make the dump again you could add --insert-ignore to the command-line when dumping.

Or you can try using the mysqlimport command with --force ,which will continue even if it encounters MySQL Errors.

mysql -f -p < 2010-12-01.sql

-f (强制)是这里的操作选项,为我工作。

Following the advice from jmlsteele's answer and comment, here's how to turn the inserts into INSERT IGNORE on the fly.

If you're importing from an sql file:

sed -e "s/^INSERT INTO/INSERT IGNORE INTO/" < 2010-12-01.sql | mysql -p

If you're importing from a gz file, just pipe the output from gunzip into sed instead of using the file input:

gunzip < 2010-12-01.sql.gz | sed -e "s/^INSERT INTO/INSERT IGNORE INTO/" | mysql -p

Just a thought did you delete the MySQL directives at the top of dump? (I unintentionally did when I restarted a restore after deleting all the records/tables I'd already inserted with a sed command). These directives tell MySQL ,among other things, not to do unique tests, foreign key tests etc)

/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
/*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */;

The other options certainly are viable options, but another solution would be to simply edit the .sql file obtained from the mysqldump .


INSERT INTO table_name ...


INSERT IGNORE INTO table_name ...

Great tip. I did it a little different but same result.

perl -pi -e 's/INSERT INTO/INSERT IGNORE INTO/g' filename.sql

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