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How can I synchronize multiple threads in WP7?

I'm new to development on Windows Phone 7 and Silverlight but I do have experience in win32 and threading in general.

Here's my question:

I am trying to "synchronize" the UI thread w/ another thread that seems to be used by the API's of the object that I am working with. In other words, I would like to make sure that before the user dismisses the current XAML page by pressing the back button, the object that I am working with, which is part of the C# class behind the XAML page is deallocated.

The reason for that is that if I have the deallocation code in the NavigatedFrom handler, the UI thread may attempt to release the object WHILE it is in fact used by the other thread. Therefore, I do have to somehow synchronize the deallocation of this object.

Ideally, when the user presses the back button on the phone, all I do is set a flag "quit" to true to indicate that the user intends to exit. The methods used by the object that are running on another thread, would "see" that this flag is set and then would BeginInvoke*emphasized text* the deallocation code of the object (only because the object has been allocated on the UI thread so I figured it makes sense to deallocate it on the same thread, not knowing its internal workings.) Finally, it would call NavigationService.GoBack() to ensure 'orderly' exit.

Unfortunately, I don't see a way of preventing the XAML page to be dismissed when the user presses the back button although I did override the NavigatedFrom and OnBackKeyPress methods. Even though they contain no code at all, the XAML page is dismissed anyway.

Another thing that is interesting and I would appreciate your comments on this, is that I have a timer ( System.Windows.Threading.DispatchTimer ). Would this timer be associated only with the C# class behind a XAML page that defines it? In other words, is there a concept of a "message pump" associated with each XAML pages or is there just one message pump for the UI thread that basically is used by ALL XAML pages ? I am asking this because although I dismiss the XAML page whose C# class defines the timer, it seems to still be running.

Thank you.

The reason for that is that if I have the deallocation code in the NavigatedFrom handler, the UI thread may attempt to release the object WHILE it is in fact used by the other thread. Therefore, I do have to somehow synchronize the deallocation of this object.

Not really a problem. If you queue the navigation on the Dispatcher as well, you don't get any NullReferenceExceptions.

Simply use Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => NavigationService.Navigate(...)) for safe navigation.

Would this timer be associated only with the C# class behind a XAML page that defines it?

If you by "class" means "ViewModel", then yes, it most definitively should be in the ViewModel.

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