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Find Largest in AnyType array

Hello I am writing this program, and I am trying to figure out how to compare two items in an array to find the largest item.

public static <T extends Comparable< ? super T>> T getLargest(T [] a, int low, int high){
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    T[] arrCopy = (T[]) new Object[high-low]
    for(int i=low;i<high;i++){
    return arrCopy[0];

But then I don't know how to test for it, I tried :

T[] a = {1,12,7,45,22,23,5};
    System.out.println("Array: [1,12,7,45,22,23,5] low=0 high, Largest?: " + rec.getLargest(a, 0, 6));

but I get an error message

The method getLargest(T[], int, int) in the type Rec is not applicable for the arguments (int[], int, int)

How do I call it to make it an array of numbers? Would an array of strings work with the code I have for getting the largest?

Maybe is just simple answers but I've been working on the whole program for a while and things don't look so clear now.


After changing the array from int[] to Integer[]. I am getting an error on this line if(a[i]>a[i+1]) saying

The operator > is undefined for the argument type(s) T, T

I'm assuming I would have to change the > sign to compare elements in the array, but how do I do this? Use compareTo() ?

It's not working because int isn't a subclass of Comparable because it's not even an Object . Basically, you can't use primitives ( int , short , long , char , boolean , byte ) with generics.

Try calling it with an array of Integer .

Integer[] a = {1,12,7,45,22,23,5};
System.out.println("Array: [1,12,7,45,22,23,5] low=0 high, Largest?: " + rec.getLargest(a, 0, 6))

If you want your method to be able to accept int[] , you'll need to have a separate function for each one you want to accept ( int getLargest(int[], int, int) , char getLargest(char[], int, int) , etc.).


In response to your edit, you need to use compareTo() . < is only defined for primitives.

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