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Import excel file which is on local machine to SQL server 2005

I have a path to an Excel file which is located on my local machine and I want to import the data of the Excel file to SQL Server 2005.

I have tried this code but it gives me an error:

string sSourceConStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" + textBox1 + "; Extended Properties=" + "\"Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;+\"";
        string dDestConStr = @"server=severIPAddress;database=databaseName;uid=userName;password=pwd";

        OleDbConnection sSourceConnection = new OleDbConnection(sSourceConStr);
        using (sSourceConnection)
            string sql = string.Format("Select * FROM [{0}]", "Sheet1$");
            OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(sql, sSourceConnection);
            using (OleDbDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader())
                using (SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(dDestConStr))
                    bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "dbo.databaseName";            


OleDBException was unhandled. Failure creating file.

What would cause this and how can I resolve it?


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