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matching {{string}} in regex c#

what is the regex for matching a string within two curly brackets as in


result should be string .

Do I have to escape both curly brackets?

No, actually the following should work just fine:


Edit: As pointed out by dtb the expression above fails for a string containing a single } within the double brackets. To handle this case the following example would do a much better job:


Edit 2: The simplest solution however would probably be the following:





only numbers inside the {{ }}


only some characters:



resultString = Regex.Match(subjectString, @"^\{\{(.*?)\}\}$").Groups[1].Value;

I believe this would be the best/simplest possible regex to specifically capture the CONTENTS of the curly brackets:


Broken down, this says:

01    (?<={{)   # match AFTER two open curly brackets
02    .*?       # match anything, but BE LAZY ABOUT IT
03    (?=}})    # until there are two closing curly brackets

With this expression, the ENTIRE match will be the contents of the curly brackets, and the curly brackets will be left in place/ignored

To match the entire curly-bracketed expression, use the following:

01    {{        # match two open curly brackets
02    .*?       # match anything, but BE LAZY ABOUT IT
03    }}        # match two closing curly brackets

If you want to support multiple lines inside the curly brackets, use [\\s\\S]*? instead of .*? in the part on line 02 , or specify the 'singleline' option for the regex parser (DOTALL in Java, etc, etc, etc...).

It does not reject instances like some text {{{inside}}} other test and may produce undesired results - if those are possible, please ask for a stronger expression and specify several cases of what should and should not be matched.

        string strRegex = @"{{(?<String>\w+)}}";
        Regex myRegex = new Regex(strRegex);
        string strTargetString = @"\n{{string}}";

       var match = myRegex.Match(strTargetString);

       string str = match.Groups["String"].Value;

The str variable will be the string from bracets

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