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Regular expression to break string C#

Here is my string:

1-1 This is my first string. 1-2 This is my second string. 1-3 This is my third string.

How can I break like in C# like;

result[0] = This is my first string.
result[1] = This is my second string.
result[2] = This is my third string.
IEnumerable<string> lines = Regex.Split(text, "(?:^|[\r\n]+)[0-9-]+ ").Skip(1);

编辑:如果您想要数组中的结果,您可以执行string[] result = lines.ToArray() ;

Regex regex = new Regex("^(?:[0-9]+-[0-9]+ )(.*?)$", RegexOptions.Multiline);

var str = "1-1 This is my first string.\n1-2 This is my second string.\n1-3 This is my third string.";

var matches = regex.Matches(str);

List<string> strings = matches.Cast<Match>().Select(p => p.Groups[1].Value).ToList();

foreach (var s in strings)

We use a multiline Regex, so that ^ and $ are the beginning and end of the line. We skip one or more numbers, a - , one or more numbers and a space (?:[0-9]+-[0-9]+ ) . We lazily ( *? ) take everything ( . ) else until the end of the line (.*?)$ , lazily so that the end of the line $ is more "important" than any character .

Then we put the matches in a List<string> using Linq.

Lines will end with newline, carriage-return or both, This splits the string into lines with all line-endings.

using System.Text.RegularExpressions;


var lines = Regex.Split( input, "[\r\n]+" );

Then you can do what you want with each line.

var words = Regex.Split( line[i], "\s" );

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