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How to find a control inside an asp.net calendar control

After adding a control in the dayrender event, is there a way to find the control later? I have tried


but without success.

Here is some of my code to be more clear:

protected void calSample_DayRender(object sender, DayRenderEventArgs e)
    Label lblSample = new Label();
    lblSample.ID = "lblSample";
    lblSample.Text = "Sample";

After the day render event and the page loads completely, I have a link button event where I try and get the control back

protected void lbtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //Not working
    Label lblSample = calSample.FindControl(lblSample);

    //Also can't get to work, this was using Ross' suggestion and the recursive find function he wrote about. I'm probably just not using it correctly.
    Label lblSample = ControlFinder.FindControl<Label>(calSample, "lblSample");

The issue was because the control was not added to the page until the dayrender method - meaning you could not get a reference to it on a post back. Using the Page.Request.Params collection the OP was able to grab the value out on the postback.

The problem is that the find control is not recursive and the control you want is probably inside another control.

This shows you how to make a recursive find control method that would help: http://stevesmithblog.com/blog/recursive-findcontrol/

Alternatively if you post the calendar controls code I can probably help you a bit more.


This answer is because of Ross' comment above showing me that I could use the Page.Request.Params to find the value I was after. It's not the cleanest solution but it works!

If you add a dropdownlist to a calendar control in the day render event

    protected void calSample_DayRender(object sender, DayRenderEventArgs e)
        DropDownList ddlSample = new DropDownList();
        ddlSample.ID = "ddlSample";
        ddlSample.DataSource = sampleDS;

You can get the selected value back like this, of course I need to put in more checks to verify that the dropdownlist exists, but you get the picture

    protected void lbtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string sampleID = Page.Request.Params.GetValues("ddlSample")[0];

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