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How can i call API periodically?

I am working in android. I want to draw a comment window. in which I have a list View which shows comment retrieved from a API.

I want to call that API after 30 second again and again so i can show recent comments in my list view.

This is the code which is used to call my API.

   HttpClient hc = new DefaultHttpClient();

HttpGet get = new HttpGet("");

HttpResponse rp = hc.execute(get);

if (rp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {

 Then put values in some text boxes.


I want to call this above code again and again after 10 second. Please help me in writing code. Your may give a short example to solve this type of problem. I have very short time and dont have time to search on google so please help how can i call API and change UI periodically ?

I want to call that API after 30 second again and again

You Should use Service with Broadcast receiver .

Service will do your Task in Background but will not provide any UI so you need to register with Broadcast receiver.

Check this Sample , this sample show how to repeat a task and update UI using Service and Broadcast receiver.

Also refer this tutorial for further reference.

You can simple use just following code:

// We need to use this Handler package
import android.os.Handler;

// Create the Handler object (on the main thread by default)
Handler handler = new Handler();
// Define the code block to be executed
private Runnable runnableCode = new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
      // Do something here on the main thread
      Log.d("Handlers", "Called on main thread");
      // Repeat this the same runnable code block again another 2 seconds
      // 'this' is referencing the Runnable object
      handler.postDelayed(this, 2000);
// Start the initial runnable task by posting through the handler

You can remove the scheduled execution of a runnable with:

// Removes pending code execution


I have solved my problem like this:-

public class ClassName extends Activity



    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstance)




     private Runnable timedTask = new Runnable(){


      public void run() 


            //do your work here for calling API and UI

            handler.postDelayed(timedTask ,2000 );


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