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WPF Combo box populate data from mysql database

I am trying to populate a combo box with data but I cant get it work

public void fillZone()
        string sql = "select location from zone";
        MySqlDataAdapter zonedapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(sql,conn);
        DataTable dt = new DataTable("zone");


I use fillZone() to get data from mysql and have it stored in a dataTable.I want to populate a combobox named zonecb with data from returned result above, as shown below

this.zonecb.ItemsSource = "Location";
this.zonecb.DisplayMemberPath = "Location";

my xml is as shown:

<ComboBox Canvas.Left="91" Canvas.Top="57" Height="23" Name="zonecb" Width="200" ItemsSource="{Binding}" />

Any ideas?

you will need to acces dt, i dont know if you call your fillzone only for filling combobox but i would suggest:

public DataTable fillZone()
    string sql = "select location from zone";
    MySqlDataAdapter zonedapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(sql,conn);
    DataTable dt = new DataTable("zone");
    return dt;

public void fillcombo()
     DataTable dt = fillZone();
     foreach (DataCell cell in dt)


im using a same kind of method, but ith a postgreSql Database, by changing PgsqlDataAdapter to MySqlDataAdapter this might/should work

    public DataSet GetInformation(string str)
        ds = new DataSet("Tables");

        Npgsql.NpgsqlDataAdapter da = new Npgsql.NpgsqlDataAdapter(str, connection);

        da.TableMappings.Add("Table", "Program");
        return ds;
    }// send query to database, get table

String str is your Query.

    public DataTable GetInfo()
        string Query = "select location from zone";
        DataSet Set = GetInformation(Query);
        return Set.Tables[0];

now you got a table wih all the data you need/wanted.

   DataTable DT = dBQuery.GetInfo();
   for (int i = 0; i < result.Rows.Count; i++) 

now you populated your combobox

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