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How to install vim plugin(EasyMotion) in Linux?

How to install vim plugin(EasyMotion) in Linux? And the plugin is here:


Give Vundle a shot. It's simpler than Pathogen in my experience and certainly simpler than installing the plugin manually.

Installing a plugin with Vundle is as simple as adding the plugin name to your .vimrc:

Bundle 'Lokaltog/vim-easymotion'

Then you would run :BundleInstall and you're done!

Take a look at the Vundle Github page to see how to set it up. It only takes a minute, and it will save you plenty of headache down the road when you inevitably need to remove or update plugins.

You should merge the autoload , plugin , and doc with a directory of your runtime (inside vim type :echo &runtimepath to know what locations are suitable). Typically put them in ~/.vim/ .

After that you can run :helptags ~/.vim/ to refresh the help index.

Edit : You seem new to Linux.

In a command-line window:

cd                           # will go to your home path, equivalent to « cd ~ » or « cd $HOME »
mkdir .vim                   # will create a directory named « .vim »
cd .vim
mkdir plugin
cd plugin
wget 'https://raw.github.com/vim-scripts/pathogen.vim/2e20ff61bcc440c8dbceb8036b8b127cd4d555dc/plugin/pathogen.vim'
echo 'call pathogen#infect()' >> ~/.vimrc
cd ..
mkdir bundle                 # will create a « bundle » directory
cd bundle
wget 'http://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=16838'
unzip Lokaltog-vim-easymotion-1.3-0-g667a668.zip
rm Lokaltog-vim-easymotion-1.3-0-g667a668.zip

Note that in Nautilus (default file browser if you are using the Gnome Desktop Environment), CTRL-H shows hidden files (those that begin with a dot).

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