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creating class instances from a text file in python

I have a polynomial class:

class Polynomial:
    def __init__(self, *termpairs):
        self.termdict = dict(termpairs)

To add an instance to this class, you enter the following:

P = Polynomial((3,2), (4,5), (9,8))

Now I'm trying to create a function that reads information from a text file, and from that text file, it creates an instance of the Polynomial class. The information is stored in the text file like this:

4 6
2 3
9 8
3 5
0 42

So far, the function looks like this:

def read_file(polyfilename):
    polyfilename = open("polyfilename.txt", "r")
    poly1 = polyfilename.read()
    poly1 = [line.split() for line in poly1.split("\n")]
    poly1 = [[int(y) for y in x] for x in poly1]
    for item in poly1:
        return Polynomial(item)

It only creates a Polynomial instance for the first pair in the text file, how can I make a Polynomial instance for all of the pairings in the text file?

EDIT: I now have this as my function:

def read_file(polyfilename):
    polyfilename = open("polyfilename.txt", "r")
    poly = polyfilename.read()
    poly = [line.split() for line in poly.split("\n")]
    poly = [[int(y) for y in x] for x in poly]
    return Polynomial(poly[0], poly[1], poly[2], poly[3], poly[4])

It gives me the answer I'm looking for, however, the length of these text files can vary, so typing poly[1], poly[2] won't work. Is there a way I can go through each index no matter what the length is?

return always exits the function immediately upon calling and can only return one item. So if you want multiple items (in a sense) to be returned, you must pack them in a list, then return that.

In place of the for loop:

polys = []
for item in poly1:
return polys

You will of course have to deal with this new result as a list.

All you need is

return Polynomial(*poly)

instead of

return Polynomial(poly[0], poly[1], poly[2], poly[3], poly[4])

Docs here ... read the paragraph starting with """If the syntax *expression appears in the function call"""

Bonus: Your function doesn't use its arg, reuses the name poly like crazy, and isn't idiomatic, so I rewrote the whole thing:

def read_file(polyfilename):
    with open(polyfilename) as f:
        return Polynomial(*[[int(x) for x in line.split()] for line in f])


At a quick glance, it looks like this is returning after the first one is created, so you only get one back. Try replace the return statement with a yield then:

for p in read_file('somefile'):
  # p is a polynomial object, do what you will with it

In case it helps the first response here is a good summary of yield. Again this is just from a quick look at what you've written.

    def read_file(polyfilename):
        polyfilename = open(polyfilename, "r")
        poly1 = polyfilename.read()
        poly1 = [line.split() for line in poly1.split("\n")]
        poly1 = [[int(y) for y in x] for x in poly1]
        for item in poly1:
            yield Polynomial(item)

    for p in read_file('sample.txt'):
        print p


<__main__.Polynomial instance at 0x39f3f0>
<__main__.Polynomial instance at 0x39f418>
<__main__.Polynomial instance at 0x39f3f0>
<__main__.Polynomial instance at 0x39f418>
<__main__.Polynomial instance at 0x39f3f0>

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