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How to enumerate all HID devices? C#

I need to enumerate all HID devices connected to my PC. I tried to use this answer , but it enumerates USBHub devices and I can't find there my HID device.

EDIT : I will be glad to know If there any WIN32 API method, to get USB device status (online/offline) using PID and VID?

Microsoft's WDK has documentation for the HID functions and an overview of how to use them. The WDK also includes the header files to use with Visual C++ programs that access HID-class devices (hidsdi.h, hidusage.h, hidpi.h).

Check this link Jan Axelson's Lakeview Research - HID Windows Programming.

Here is an question also available regarding HID devices as you specified in your question: Scanning for a Human Interface Device (HID) using C#

I found the answer. This link explains how to do this with ManagementObjectSearcher .

Thanks for all who replied!

You can enumerate Hid devices with Windows APIs like this:

        public static Collection<DeviceInformation> GetConnectedDeviceInformations()
            var deviceInformations = new Collection<DeviceInformation>();
            var spDeviceInterfaceData = new SpDeviceInterfaceData();
            var spDeviceInfoData = new SpDeviceInfoData();
            var spDeviceInterfaceDetailData = new SpDeviceInterfaceDetailData();
            spDeviceInterfaceData.CbSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(spDeviceInterfaceData);
            spDeviceInfoData.CbSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(spDeviceInfoData);

            var hidGuid = new Guid();

            APICalls.HidD_GetHidGuid(ref hidGuid);

            var i = APICalls.SetupDiGetClassDevs(ref hidGuid, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, APICalls.DigcfDeviceinterface | APICalls.DigcfPresent);

            if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
                spDeviceInterfaceDetailData.CbSize = 8;
                spDeviceInterfaceDetailData.CbSize = 4 + Marshal.SystemDefaultCharSize;

            var x = -1;

            while (true)

                var setupDiEnumDeviceInterfacesResult = APICalls.SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(i, IntPtr.Zero, ref hidGuid, (uint)x, ref spDeviceInterfaceData);
                var errorNumber = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

                //TODO: deal with error numbers. Give a meaningful error message

                if (setupDiEnumDeviceInterfacesResult == false)

                APICalls.SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(i, ref spDeviceInterfaceData, ref spDeviceInterfaceDetailData, 256, out _, ref spDeviceInfoData);

                var deviceInformation = GetDeviceInformation(spDeviceInterfaceDetailData.DevicePath);
                if (deviceInformation == null)



            return deviceInformations;

Full class: https://github.com/MelbourneDeveloper/Hid.Net/blob/master/Hid.Net/Windows/WindowsHIDDevice.cs

APIS: https://github.com/MelbourneDeveloper/Hid.Net/blob/master/Hid.Net/Windows/APICalls.cs

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