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How do I get CopyFileEx to report back so I can cancel a file copy operation?

I'm trying to use the FileUtilities.CopyFile wrapper for CopyFileEx from here . But the CopyFileCallbackAction doesn't get called until after the file is copied (I've tried copying a large file). How do I get it to report back so I can cancel the copy if the user so wishes?


See Why is FileUtilities.CopyFile wrapper for CopyFileEx interfering with winforms?

The edit to my question (sending to Why is FileUtilities.CopyFile wrapper for CopyFileEx interfering with winforms? ) sends to the answer (by david-heffernan ) – I had all on one thread.

EDIT: No. It seems that I had a this.Update(); missing. See How can I get code to run after a form is shown? (Trouble with "Shown".) .

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