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comparing data type of sql server and ms access in c#


Jet Engine (Access) | Sql-Server                          | C#
Text (len < 256)    | char, nchar, varchar, nvarchar      | string
Memo                | text, ntext, the above with len>255 | string
Byte                | tinyint                             | byte
Integer             | smallint                            | short
Long Integer        | integer (int)                       | int
Single              | real                                | float
Double              | float                               | double
Replication ID      | uniqueidentifier                    | Guid
Decimal             | decimal                             | decimal
Date/Time           | smalldatetime, datetime, datetime2  | DateTime
Binary     (8 bytes)| timestamp, rowversion (Since V2008) | byte[]    (8 bytes)
Currency            | smallmoney, money                   | decimal
AutoNumber          | int + identity property             | int
Yes/No              | bit                                 | bool
OLE Object          | image                               | byte[]
Hyperlink           | <no equivalent>                     | string
<no equivalent>     | binary, varbinary                   | byte[]

I took this information from How to Migrate from Access to SQL Server 2000 and added the c# column.

Note also that most types are nullable in the databases. Map nullable columns to Nullable<T> ( T? ) in C# unless the .NET type is a reference type.

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