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image data type SQL Server 2008 C# data type

I created a data table

CREATE TABLE [ProductImages]
[ProductImageID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[ProductImage] [image] NOT NULL
   [ProductImageID] ASC

I'm trying to write ProductImages class in C#

public class ProductImages
    private int productImageID;

    public int ProductImageID
        get { return productImageID; }
        set { productImageID = value; }

 // I need to declare property for ProductImage???


How do i declare property for ProductImage ?

public byte[] ProductImage { get; set;} 

会工作......图像只是二进制文件,你在SQL Server和你的应用程序之间编组它们作为byte []数据类型。

Use a byte[] in c# and I suggest changing your column type to VARBINARY(MAX) . Support for the image data type will be removed in the future .

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