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how to get the characters from a utf8 string

char *w = "Artîsté";
printf("%lu\n", strlen(w));
int z;
for(z=0; z<strlen(w); z++){
    //printf("%c", w[z]);  //prints as expected
    printf("%i: %c\n", z, w[z]);//doesn't print anything

If I run this, it crashes on the î. How do I print a multibyte char and how do I know when a I've hit a multibyte character?

If your execution environment uses UTF-8 (Linux, for example), your code will work as-is, as long as you set a suitable locale, as in setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.utf9"); before calling that printf.

demo: http://ideone.com/zFUYM

Otherwise, your best bet is probably to convert to wide string and print that. If you plan on doing something other than I/O with the individual characters of that string, you will have to do it anyway.

As for hitting a multibyte char, the portable way to test is if mblen() returns a value greater than 1.

Use the wide char and multi-byte functions:

int utf8len(char *str)
    char *top=str+strlen(str);
    int len;
    for(len=0; str<top; len++)
        str+=mblen(str, top-str);
    return len;

int main()
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.utf8");
    char *w = "Artîsté";
    printf("%lu\n", strlen(w));

    int z, len = utf8len(w);
    wchar_t wstr[len+1];
    mbstowcs(wstr, w, len);
    for(z=0; z<len; z++)
        printf("%i: %lc\n", z, wstr[z]);

You got lucky with the first printf, because you never changed the data, once you split up the chars, your output was no longer utf8.

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