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How do I return a pointer to a multidimensional array?

I have a template class in C++ that looks like this:

template <typename T, int xMax, int yMax, int zMax>
class Volume {
    T*[64][64] getDataPointer() {return data;} //compiler doesn't like this line
    T data[xMax][yMax][zMax];

typedef Volume<unsigned char, 64, 64, 64> Chunk;

The compiler doesn't like the return I have for getDataPointer(). I want to return the same type I would then use to pass to this function:

void perlin2D(unsigned char (*chunk)[64][64])

Can someone show me how to do that?


T (*getDataPointer())[64][64] {return data;}

T *** getDataPointer(){返回数据;}也许您需要这样的东西?

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