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How to execute *.sql mysql file in my c# application

I have a mysql script in a file that I need to be able to execute from my c# application. Here is a sample of what the script contains:

USE osae;

-- Set DB version 
CALL osae_sp_object_property_set('SYSTEM', 'DB Version', '0.3.5', '', '');
CALL osae_sp_object_property_set('SYSTEM', 'Debug', 'FALSE', '', '');
CALL osae_sp_object_type_property_add ('Prune Logs','Boolean','TRUE','SYSTEM',0);
CALL osae_sp_object_property_set ('SYSTEM','Prune Logs','TRUE','','');


DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS osae_sp_object_event_script_update$$
CREATE DEFINER = 'root'@'localhost'
PROCEDURE osae_sp_object_event_script_update(IN pobject varchar(200), IN pevent varchar(200), IN ptext text)
DECLARE vObjectCount INT;
DECLARE vEventCount INT;
    SELECT COUNT(object_id) INTO vObjectCount FROM osae_object WHERE UPPER(object_name)=UPPER(pobject);
    IF vObjectCount > 0 THEN
              SELECT object_id,object_type_id INTO vObjectID,vObjectTypeID FROM osae_object WHERE UPPER(object_name)=UPPER(pobject);
        SELECT COUNT(event_id) INTO vEventCount FROM osae_object_type_event WHERE object_type_id=vObjectTypeID AND (UPPER(event_name)=UPPER(pevent) OR UPPER(event_label)=UPPER(pevent));
        IF vEventCount = 1 THEN     
            SELECT event_id INTO vEventID FROM osae_object_type_event WHERE object_type_id=vObjectTypeID AND (UPPER(event_name)=UPPER(pevent) OR UPPER(event_label)=UPPER(pevent));
            UPDATE osae_object_event_script SET event_script=ptext WHERE object_id=vObjectID AND event_id=vEventID;
         -- CALL osae_sp_debug_log_add(CONCAT('Updated ',vObjectID,' - ',vEventID,ptext),'');  
        END IF;
    END IF; 


As you can see it has a mixture of lines that call stored procedures and some drop and create statements to update other stored procedures.

I have tried two different methods to execute the script and both have failed:

MySqlScript script = new MySqlScript(connection, File.ReadAllText("script.sql"));

This throws the exception: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

MySqlCommand upgCommand = new MySqlCommand();
upgCommand.Connection = connection;
upgCommand.CommandText = File.ReadAllText("script.sql");

This throws an exception that there is an error in my sql syntax.

When I run the entire script manually in dbForge Studio it executes perfectly. How can I get this script to execute correctly from my C# app

Take a look here . You should specify a delimiter for MySqlScript (since you have stored procedure in there). And your query should look like:

-- Set DB version 
CALL osae_sp_object_property_set('SYSTEM', 'DB Version', '0.3.5', '', '')$$
CALL osae_sp_object_property_set('SYSTEM', 'Debug', 'FALSE', '', '')$$
CALL osae_sp_object_type_property_add ('Prune Logs','Boolean','TRUE','SYSTEM',0)$$
CALL osae_sp_object_property_set ('SYSTEM','Prune Logs','TRUE','','')$$

DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS osae_sp_object_event_script_update$$
CREATE DEFINER = 'root'@'localhost'
PROCEDURE osae_sp_object_event_script_update(IN pobject varchar(200), IN pevent varchar(200), IN ptext text)
DECLARE vObjectCount INT;
DECLARE vEventCount INT;
    SELECT COUNT(object_id) INTO vObjectCount FROM osae_object WHERE UPPER(object_name)=UPPER(pobject);
    IF vObjectCount > 0 THEN
              SELECT object_id,object_type_id INTO vObjectID,vObjectTypeID FROM osae_object WHERE UPPER(object_name)=UPPER(pobject);
        SELECT COUNT(event_id) INTO vEventCount FROM osae_object_type_event WHERE object_type_id=vObjectTypeID AND (UPPER(event_name)=UPPER(pevent) OR UPPER(event_label)=UPPER(pevent));
        IF vEventCount = 1 THEN     
            SELECT event_id INTO vEventID FROM osae_object_type_event WHERE object_type_id=vObjectTypeID AND (UPPER(event_name)=UPPER(pevent) OR UPPER(event_label)=UPPER(pevent));
            UPDATE osae_object_event_script SET event_script=ptext WHERE object_id=vObjectID AND event_id=vEventID;
         -- CALL osae_sp_debug_log_add(CONCAT('Updated ',vObjectID,' - ',vEventID,ptext),'');  
        END IF;
    END IF; 

And then your code:

MySqlScript script = new MySqlScript(connection, File.ReadAllText("script.sql"));
script.Delimiter = "$$";

You could run a separate Process to execute the script. For example:

Process.Start("mysql < script.sql");

You are probably going to need to play around with it a little depending on your environment to include paths to the mysql executable or the sql script.

How if you put your sql script in a stored procedure? If you still want use this way attach the sql file to application as file to the application resources (files .resx) and execute it like that:

MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cmdMySQL = newMySqlConnection.CreateCommand();
cmdMySQL.CommandText = (System.String)globalResource.your_file_name;

I am not 100% sure what native MySql syntax is, but when we perform similar functionality for Sql Server, we have to break the sql file into chunks based on the literal values ( GO ) that are only used by the query executor (Sql Server Management Console).

I suspect there may be similar information embedded in your request above, such as the DEFINE statement.

Knowing exactly what MySql complained about would help refine the solution.

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