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Resuming my app make it crash due to cursor management

I've got a lot of Cursor in my app and I'm trying to manage them clearly. I did as it's explained in tutos : closing them at the end. But, on my Nexus S with ICS, when I'm resuming my app, I got crash

01-23 21:52:32.125: E/AndroidRuntime(14037): Caused by: android.database.StaleDataException: Attempted to access a cursor after it has been closed.

I saw some answers on the internet saying that I should use LoaderManager to manage them but I'm not sure it's adapted to my case. This is my functions using cursor :

public static HashMap<String, Contact> getContacts(BaseActivity activity) {
    HashMap<String, Contact> contactMap = new HashMap<String, Contact>();
    ArrayList<String> allPhones =null;
        Log.d(Constants.LOGTAG,"=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=! GET CONTACTS (HashMap) =!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!");
        // Run query
        String thePhone;
        int id;
        Uri uri = ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI;
        String[] projection = new String[] {
                ContactsContract.Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER };

        Cursor cursor = activity.managedQuery(uri, projection, null, null, null);
        if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
            while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) {
                id = cursor.getInt(0);
                if (cursor.getInt(2) == 1) {

                    Contact c = new Contact(id, cursor.getString(1),null,getAllPhoneNumber(activity, id));
                    Contact c2 = new Contact(id, cursor.getString(1),null,getAllPhoneNumber(activity, id));
                    allPhones = c.getPhoneNumber();
                    for(String phone:allPhones){
                        thePhone = phone;
                        thePhone = thePhone.replaceAll(" ", "");

                        if(thePhone.startsWith("00")){//On vire le 0033
                            thePhone = thePhone.substring(4);
                        else if(thePhone.startsWith("+")){//On vire le +33
                            thePhone =thePhone.substring(3);
                            thePhone = thePhone.substring(1);
    }catch (Exception e) {
    return contactMap;

 * Obtains the contact list from the Adress Book for the currently selected account SORTED BY NAME
 * @return a list of all contact.
public static ArrayList<Contact> getContactsSortedByName(BaseActivity activity) {
    ArrayList<Contact> contactList = new ArrayList<Contact>();
    ArrayList<String> allPhones =null;
        Log.d(Constants.LOGTAG,"=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=! GET CONTACTS (ArrayList) =!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!");
        // Run query
        String thePhone;
        Uri uri = ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI;
        String[] projection = new String[] {
                ContactsContract.Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER };

        String sortOrder = ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME
                + " COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC";

        Cursor cursor = activity.managedQuery(uri, projection, null, null, sortOrder);
        if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
            while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) {
                int id = cursor.getInt(0);
                if (cursor.getInt(2) == 1) {

                    Contact c = new Contact(id, cursor.getString(1),null,getAllPhoneNumber(activity, id));

                    allPhones = c.getPhoneNumber();
                    for(String phone:allPhones){
                        thePhone = phone;
                        thePhone = thePhone.replaceAll(" ", "");

                        if(thePhone.startsWith("00")){//On vire le 0033
                            thePhone = thePhone.substring(4);
                        else if(thePhone.startsWith("+")){//On vire le +33
                            thePhone =thePhone.substring(3);
                            thePhone = thePhone.substring(1);

    }catch (Exception e) {

    return contactList;

 * Get the first phone number of a contact
 * @param contactId
 *            the contact's id
 * @return the first phone number of the contact ! 
public static ArrayList<String> getFirstPhoneNumber(BaseActivity activity, int contactId) {
    final String[] projection = new String[] { Phone.NUMBER };
    ArrayList<String>  number=new ArrayList<String>();
    Cursor phone = activity.managedQuery(Phone.CONTENT_URI, projection,
            Data.CONTACT_ID + "=?",
            new String[] { String.valueOf(contactId) }, null);

    if (phone.moveToFirst()) {
    return number;

 * Get all phone number of a contact
 * @param contactId
 *            the contact's id
 * @return a list of all phone number of the contact
public static ArrayList<String> getAllPhoneNumber(BaseActivity activity, int contactId) {
    final String[] projection = new String[] { Phone.NUMBER };
    String number = "";
    Cursor phone = activity.managedQuery(Phone.CONTENT_URI, projection,
            Data.CONTACT_ID + "=?",
            new String[] { String.valueOf(contactId) }, null);
    ArrayList<String> phoneNumber = new ArrayList<String>();

    if (phone.moveToFirst()) {
        final int contactNumberColumnIndex = phone.getColumnIndex(Phone.NUMBER);

        while (!phone.isAfterLast()) {
            number = phone.getString(contactNumberColumnIndex);
            if(number.contains("305875"))               Log.d(Constants.LOGTAG,"I'm here "+number);
    return phoneNumber;

As you can see, I've tried to use "startManagingCursor" but it's even worst... Does anyone be confronted to this and finally solved it ? Should I use LoaderManager ?

according to android documentation

Warning: Do not call close() on a cursor obtained using this method, because the activity will do that for you at the appropriate time. However, if you call stopManagingCursor(Cursor) on a cursor from a managed query, the system will not automatically close the cursor and, in that case, you must call close().

so please try removing cursor.close(); in your code.

Write onResume() like this:

    protected void onResume() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        if (!dbHelper.db.isOpen()) {


I am looking into code and can't find where is onResume with opening/startmanaging/recreating the cursores. I would look for the error here.


Here was the answer :

manageQuery just open up a MANAGED cursor (one such provided with StartManagingCursor). Thus cursor do not need to be closed.

But, since in our app we use more then 1 cursor, it'd be awful to use managed cursor, so we use "simple" cursors and close them after we are done. So we just had to do a simple Query instead of ManagedQuery...

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