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pipe tcpdump grep into perl

In order to thwart a persistent hacker I have developed a tcpdump command which prints failed authentications plus the preceding 4 lines to the console. Since sometimes I have to sleep, I would like to write a program to automatically add the IP to the firewall when the failed login is printed.

simplified example:

tcpdump [options] | grep [username] | perl -en [
    isolate username using regex;
    if username is the target username,
        examine previous lines looping until IP is detected;
    append properly formatted firewall command to firewall file;
    run firewall file]

I've got the tcpdump and the grep working. I know enough about Perl to program this in a script file but the command line Perl has me stumped.

For what you're trying to do, I would suggest another route, and install a service such as denyhosts , which can detect repeated failed login attempts, log them, and automatically block them.

denyhosts is available from http://denyhosts.sourceforge.net - or is likely available on the repositories for your flavour of Linux.

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