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How to extract four unsigned short ints from one long long int?

Suppose I have one long long int and want to take its bits and construct four unsigned short ints out of it.

Particular order doesn't matter much here.

I generally know that I need to shift bits and truncate to the size of unsigned short int. But I think I may make some weird mistake somewhere, so I ask.

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>

union ui64 {
    uint64_t one;
    uint16_t four[4];

    union ui64 number = {0x123456789abcdef0};
    printf("%x %x %x %x\n", number.four[0], number.four[1],
                            number.four[2], number.four[3]);
    return 0;
(unsigned short)((((unsigned long long int)value)>>(x))&(0xFFFF))

其中valuelong long int ,对于四个short, x是0,16,32或48。

union LongLongIntToThreeUnsignedShorts {
   long long int long_long_int;
   unsigned short int short_ints[sizeof(long long int) / sizeof(short int)];

That should do what you are thinking about, without having to mess around with bit shifting.

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