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Force Parallel.ForEach make one thread per item in collection

Here is code sample I have used:

        Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch();

        ParallelOptions po = new ParallelOptions();
        // hosts contain 23 items
        po.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = hosts.Count();

        Parallel.ForEach(hosts, po, p =>
                using (TcpClient tcpClient = new TcpClient())
                    IAsyncResult result = tcpClient.BeginConnect(p.Value, 80, null, null);
                    WaitHandle timeoutHandler = result.AsyncWaitHandle;
                        if (!result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(1000, false))
                            tasks.TryAdd(p.Key, new TaskCompleteResult { result = false, exc = new Exception("By timeout") });
                            tasks.TryAdd(p.Key, new TaskCompleteResult { result = true, exc = null });

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        tasks.TryAdd(p.Key, new TaskCompleteResult { result = false, exc = ex });


So, as I thought it will give me 1 (or maybe 2, if we take in attention some overhead work) seconds, but it take 4 seconds. Does Parallel.ForEach takes threads from some prepared before thread pool or creates the new ones? How can I achieve 1-2 seconds work?

Threads are only really useful if your constraint is CPU. All you are doing is having lots of threads individually doing nothing, and doing nothing in parallel.

I would approach this a very different way. What you are doing now is:

  • create lots of threads
  • each of which creates a wait handle and then blocks for up to 1 second

I would turn it around:

  • create lots of wait handles
  • then start blocking for what remains of one second

At the simplest (pseudo-code):

WaitHandle[] handles = ... start all the async tasks...
    handle.WaitOne(0) ... log result

But possibly something involving:

WaitHandle[] handles = ... start all the async tasks...
System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitAll(handles, 1000);
foreach(handle ...)
    handle.WaitOne(0) ... log result

Also: you might consider replacing new Exception("By timeout") with new TimeoutException() .

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