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method of action class is not getting called in struts2

I am trying to call a method present in action class on click of submit button but method is not getting called. here is my code---this is jsp page

<s:form method="POST" >
<a href="<s:url action="goback"/>">click here to go back</a>
<s:submit action="fileUploadAction" value="UploadFile"/>
<s:file name="fileUpload" label="Select a File to upload" size="40"/>

and this is struts.xml

<package  name="default" extends="struts-default">
<action name="fileUploadAction" class="com.cdac.cloud.HelloWorld" method="uploadFile">
<result name="successfulupload">/success.jsp</result>
<result name="exception">/error.jsp</result> 

earlier this submit button was in another page and it was working fine but when i moved it to another jsp page problems started

<s:form action="fileUploadAction">
<a href="<s:url action="goback"/>">click here to go back</a>
<s:submit value="UploadFile"/>
<s:file name="fileUpload" label="Select a File to upload" size="40"/>

Try this out..!

 <s:form name="something">                                          
 <a href="<s:url action="goback"/>">click here to go back</a>  
 <s:submit onclick="javascript:submit();"/>  
 <s:file name="fileUpload" label="Select a File to upload" size="40"/>  

Then in JS,

function submit()  
document.something.action="<%= request.getContextPath()%>/fileUploadAction";  

I did not test this code..! post a comment if it is working..!

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