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using localStorage in html5

<input name="Team1" id="team1" type="text" value="Team1?">
<button id="dostuff" value="Go">Go</button>

<div id ="nicteamcolumn">Team: </div>

$('#dostuff').click(function(e) {

var team1 = $('input[name="Team1"]').val();

if (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") {
            if (localStorage.teamlist) {
                localStorage.teamlist= localStorage.teamlist + team1;

            else {
            localStorage.teamlist = " ";    

            $('#nicteamcolumn').html("Team:" + "<br>" + localStorage.teamlist + "<br>")

Basically, when the button is clicked, I am taking the input from Team1, add it to localStorage.teamlist , and changing the html of #nicteamcolumn to localStorage.teamlist

I am getting a weird output the first time I click the button. It prints the value for team 1 a ton of times over and over. The 2nd click and on seem to be working fine as well as when I close the page and coming back and keep adding to the list.

Any help would be greatly appreciated?

It prints the value for team 1 a ton of times over and over. The 2nd click and on seem to be working

That's because the localStorage object is persistent . Even when the source code of your script changes, the localStorage values will still exist. You might be confusing localStorage with sessionStorage .

Fixing your code:

  • Fix the syntax error by placing a ); after the last } .
  • typeof is not a function, please do not make it look like one, by removing the parentheses.
  • The very first time, nothing will print, because you're adding a space instead of the value of Team1.
  • Instead of setting the property directly, it is recommended to use the .getItem and .setItem methods, to avoid mistakes as using conflicting key names.
  • Your current "list" is a set of a concatenated string. That's not easily maintainable. Either use an unique separator to separate your values, or use JSON.stringify and JSON.parse to store real arrays.

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/BXSGj/

Code (using JSON):

$('#dostuff').click(function(e) {
    e.preventDefault(); // Prevent the form from submitting
    var team1 = $('input[name="Team1"]').val();
    if (typeof Storage !== "undefined") {
        // Will always show an array:
        var teamlist = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('teamlist') || '[]');
        localStorage.setItem('teamlist', JSON.stringify(teamlist));
        $('#nicteamcolumn').html("Team:<br>" + teamlist.join('<br>') + "<br>");

Using a separator (only showing different lines):

        var SEP = '|'; // Separator example
        var teamlist = (localStorage.getItem('teamlist') || '').split(SEP);
        teamlist.push(team1);   // Still the same
        localStorage.setItem('teamlist', teamlist.join(SEP));

To remove the stored items, use the localStorage.removeItem method:


See also: Compability table for the Storage object.

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