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php preg_match var length count?

iv got a question in php regex. For example if we use

 $str = '[code]anything[/code]';
 preg_replace('#\[code\](.*?)\[/code\]#is', 'Code:<pre>$1</pre>', $str)

How i can make some thing like this to count the content

 $str = '[code]anything[/code]';
 preg_replace('#\[code\](.*?)\[/code\]#is', 'Code:'.strlen($1).'<pre>$1</pre>', $str)

and that is my question. hope i will find answer thanks.

How about:

   $str = '[code]anything[/code]';
   $code = preg_replace('#\[code\](.*?)\[/code\]#is', '$1', $str);
   $output = 'Code:'.strlen($code).'<pre>'.$code.'</pre>';

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