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How to do typeof object[*] in C#?

I'm fairly new to C# but have searched the web for an hour and no joy...

I need to ascertain whether an object is a non-zero index array, ie object[*]

I've tried:

if(v != null && v.GetType() == typeof(object[*]))

and if(v is object[*])

as well as overloaded methods Method(object v) and Method(object[*] v)

All result in compilation errors.

As I can't cast object[*] to object[] and then test GetLowerBound(0) how the hell can I test this type?

(Please don't tell me this bad code/design, it's coming from Excel so I obviously cannot change that).

I think you want:

Array array = v as Array;
if(array != null && array.GetLowerBound(0) != 0)


var array = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(object), new[] { 3 }, new[] { 1 });



Try Type.IsArray , Type.GetArrayRank and Type.GetElementType if necessary.

If you need to call GetLowerBound you can safely cast the object to System.Array .

If the object is really typed as object[] and not as string[] or some other array then this will do


A placeholder for the array size is not required, since this is the normal way of declaring arrays

object[] myObjectArray;


In your case, you could simplify the statement to

if(v is object[])


((object[])null) is object[]

yields false

 Object [] v = new Object[2];

 if (!ReferenceEquals(v, null))
              if ((v.GetType() is System.Object)
                  && (v.GetType().IsArray))


but just 'v' is initialize not your objects inside !!!

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