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Java regex: split comma-separated values but ignore commas in quotes

I have text as follows:

"text","1","more, more text","3"

Could anyone kindly show me what regex delimeters I have to use to get the following:

more, more text

I was reading the Sun tutorial here , up until "Methods of the matcher class" but I am still at a loss. Thanks!

If it were something like text,1,more it would be easy enough, but unfortunately it's not like that. Any ideas?

Try this pattern: "(.+?)"

It will match 1 or more characters between double quotes. The part of the text between the quotes is available as matcher.group(1) .

Look at the javadoc for Pattern class to learn more. Also, look at matcher.find() method.


You can either go straight for the split() method like this:

    String text = "\"text\",\"1\",\"more, more text\",\"3\"";

    String[] split = text.split("\"(,\")?");
    for (String string : split) {

(beware that this returns a length 5 array, with the first position being an empty string)

Or, if you want to use a Pattern/Matcher, you can do it like this:

    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\"([^\"]+)\"");
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text);

你可以得到所有以一个开始部分"并与另一完成" ,然后串各部分的第一个和最后一个字符。

You can try something like that. I know, it is not good solution, but it can help you :)

string[] s=text.split("\",\""); 

seems it is! in java string you can use


You can test it online here: http://www.regexplanet.com/simple/index.html

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