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Case-insensitive Glob on zsh/bash

I need to list all files whose names start with 'SomeLongString'. But the case of 'SomeLongString' can vary. How?

I am using zsh, but a bash solution is also welcome.


$ unsetopt CASE_GLOB

Or, if you don't want to enable case-insensitive globbing in general, you can activate it for only the varying part:

$ print -l (#i)(somelongstring)*

This will match any file that starts with "somelongstring" (in any combination of lower/upper case). The case-insensitive flag applies for everything between the parentheses and can be used multiple times. Read the manual zshexpn(1) for more information.

UPDATE Almost forgot, you have to enable extendend globbing for this to work:

setopt extendedglob


shopt -s nocaseglob

Depending on how deep you want to have this listing, find offers quite a lot in this regard:

find . -iname 'SomeLongString*' -maxdepth 1

This will only give you the files in the current directory. Important here is the -iname parameter instead of -name .

$ function i () {
> shopt -s nocaseglob; $*; shopt -u nocaseglob
> }
$ ls *jtweet*
ls: cannot access *jtweet*: No such file or directory
$ i ls *jtweet*
JTweet.pm  JTweet.pm~  JTweet2.pm  JTweet2.pm~

For completeness (and frankly surprised it's not mentioned yet, even though all the other answers are better and/or "more correct"), obviously one can also use (especially for grep aficionados):

$ ls | egrep -i '^SomeLongString'

One might also stick in a redundant ls -1 (that's option "one", not "ell"), but when passed to a pipe, each entry is already going to be one per line, anyway. I'd typically use something like this (vs set ) in shell scripts, eg in a for / while loop: for i in $(ls | grep -i ...) . However, the other answer using find would be preferable & more flexible in that circumstance, because you can, for example, omit directories (or set other restrictions): for i in $(find . -type f -iname 'SomeString*' -print -maxdepth 1)... or even forgo the loop altogether and just use the power of find all by itself, eg: find ... -exec do_stuff {} \; ... find ... -exec do_stuff {} \; ... , but I do digress (again, for completeness.)

For completeness, a long, full solution (creating thumbnails from a list of camera images):

_shopt="$( shopt -p )"
shopt -s nocaseglob
for f in *.jpg; do
    convert "$f" -auto-orient -resize "1280x1280>" -sharpen 8 jpeg:"$( basename "$f" ".${f##*.}" ).shelf.jpg"
eval "$_shopt"

Since we don't know exact extension case (.jpg or .JPG), we create it from the name itself by stripping the prefix up to (and including) the last dot. The -auto-orient option will take care of image orientation so that thumbnails would be viewed correctly on any device.

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