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Using regex to match any character except =

I am trying to write a String validation to match any character (regular, digit and special) except =.

Here is what I have written -

    String patternString = "[[^=][\\w\\s\\W]]*";
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile(patternString);
    Matcher m = p.matcher(str);

        System.out.println("does not");

But, it matches the input string "2009-09/09 12:23:12.5=" with the pattern.

How can I exclude = (or any other character, for that matter) from the pattern string?

If the only prohibited character is the equals sign, something like [^=]* should work.

[^...] is a negated character class; it matches a single character which is any character except one from the list between the square brackets. * repeats the expression zero or more times.

First of all, you don't need a regexp. Simply call contains :

    System.out.println("does not");

The correct regexp you're looking for is just

String patternString = "[^=]*";

如果您只想检查是否出现“=”,为什么不使用String indexOf()方法?

if str.indexOf('=')  //...


String patternString = "[^=]*";

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