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How to bucket a time stamp in 5 minute intervals in python

I am using python to increment a counter in 5 minute intervals in redis and speed of the execution code is rather important. I will have a sorted set that will look like this:

1:30 incr 1:35 incr ...

where the incr is the hit count between that 5 minute interval.

Lets say I am at 1:32 pm and I want to place all of the hits between 1:30 and 1:35 in that bucket.

Naively I can just loop through a list and check if minute between 30 and 35 and place in the 1:30 bucket. Is there a more pythonic method to do this?

from redis import Redis

r = Redis(db=1)
def store(t):
    h, m = map(int, t.split(':'))
    m = m - m % 5
    r.zincrby('tc', '%d:%02d' % (h, m), 1)


print r.zrange('tc', 0, -1, withscores=True)


[('1:00', 1.0), ('1:35', 1.0), ('1:30', 2.0)]

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