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Remove the string on the beginning of an URL

I want to remove the " www. " part from the beginning of an URL string

For instance in these test cases:

eg www.test.comtest.com
eg www.testwww.comtestwww.com
eg testwww.comtestwww.com (if it doesn't exist)

Do I need to use Regexp or is there a smart function?

Depends on what you need, you have a couple of choices, you can do:

// this will replace the first occurrence of "www." and return "testwww.com"
"www.testwww.com".replace("www.", "");

// this will slice the first four characters and return "testwww.com"

// this will replace the www. only if it is at the beginning

Yes, there is a RegExp but you don't need to use it or any "smart" function:

var url = "www.testwww.com";
var PREFIX = "www.";
if (url.startsWith(PREFIX)) {
  // PREFIX is exactly at the beginning
  url = url.slice(PREFIX.length);


var newString = originalStrint.substr(4)

You can overload the String prototype with a removePrefix function:

String.prototype.removePrefix = function (prefix) {
    const hasPrefix = this.indexOf(prefix) === 0;
    return hasPrefix ? this.substr(prefix.length) : this.toString();


const domain = "www.test.com".removePrefix("www."); // test.com

Either manually, like

var str = "www.test.com",
    rmv = "www.";

str = str.slice( str.indexOf( rmv ) + rmv.length );

or just use .replace() :

str = str.replace( rmv, '' );

Try the following

var original = 'www.test.com';
var stripped = original.substring(4);


Regex.Replace(urlString, "www.(.+)", "$1");
const removePrefix = (value, prefix) =>
   value.startsWith(prefix) ? value.slice(prefix.length) : value;

您可以剪切 url 并使用 response.sendredirect(new url),这会将您带到与新 url 相同的页面

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