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Linq query equivalent to sql

I have this code in Linq. Anybody can provide the t-sql. thanks!

var tsr = from t in db.Tngs
from l in t.TngUsr
from td in t.TngDepts
from u in db.Users
where t.TId == tId && u.UserId == l.UserId && u.Departments.DeptId == td.Departments.DeptId

is the second/third from left outer?

Try to run that in LinqPad . It would display the T-SQL equivalent of your linq code. It would even convert that linq expression into the equivalent Lambda expression.

It looks like it's something like this:

SELECT t, l, td, u
JOIN TngUser ON TngUser.UserID = Users.UserID
JOIN Users ON Users.UserID = TngUser.UserID
JOIN Departments ON DepartmentID = tngDepartmentID
WHERE Tngs.TId = tId

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