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C++ compile time macros to detect windows os

Are there any C++ compile time macros which exists to detect which Windows OS the code is being compiled on. I basically want to support certain functions only on Win7. So I am interested in doing something like this

#if <os_macro> = WIN7
  // This function would do something valid only on Win7 builds.
  bool myfunction {
        // do something here
  // This function would typically return false, since its not supported on OS below win7
  bool myfunction {
       return false;

Is there any other better way to do this?

The OS that it's getting compiled on is not all that important; what matters more is the OS that the code is running on, which you obviously cannot detect at compile time. But if you want your code to run on older versions of Windows, you can set WINVER and _WIN32_WINNT to certain values, which will cause newer functions not to be available etc. (just search the Windows header files for where those macros get tested to get an idea).

To test for functionality at runtime, use GetProcAddress (and possibly also LoadLibrary , if it's in a newer DLL) to test if the function is available. If it is, call it, if not, don't.

See also the predefined macros used by the Visual Studio compiler if you want to detect the compiler version etc.

有一组标准的Windows 标题宏可以告诉您操作系统的确切版本

At least with MS VC++, WIN32, _WIN32, and _WIN32_WINNT, for starters. Unless you need to control it at compile time, you might consider using something like GetVersionEx to detect at run-time, so the same build runs on older versions, but takes advantage of new features when they're available.

There are certain things that do require knowing which OS version at compile time.

For example import "winhttp.dll" will compile under Windows 7, but cause compile time error (C1083) under Windows 10.

But if you switch to import "winhttpcom.dll" . It would compile under Windows 10 but fail under Windows 7.

So an OS macro is needed here to import appropriate dll.

My response is 10 yrs late but posting the answer for upcoming yrs.

For detecting the version c/c++ compiler version can be used. Suitable macro is mentioned below:



Reference: MS macros

My two cents for people that want to compile / include differently between CONSOLE and WIN32 App under visual Studio (2017) in my case.

You you use wizard to create a Console App, You will have:


under: 在此处输入图片说明

If You use wizard for win32 GUI A pp:

WIN32;_DEBUG;_WINDOWS;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) so NO _CONSOLE.


so You can write:

#ifdef _CONSOLE
// for Console
// for GUI

#endif // _CONSOLE

int main()
#ifdef _CONSOLE
    // for Console
    // for GUI

#endif // _CONSOLE

    return 0;

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