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Can I override a C++ virtual function within Python with Cython?

I have a C++ class with a virtual method:

class A

        A() {};
        virtual int override_me(int a) {return 2*a;};
        int calculate(int a) { return this->override_me(a) ;}


What I would like to do is to expose this class to Python with Cython, inherit from this class in Python and have the correct overridden called:

class B(PyA):
   def override_me(self, a):
       return 5*a
b = B()
b.calculate(1)  # should return 5 instead of 2

Is there a way to do this ? Now I'm thinking, it could also be great if we could override the virtual method in Cython as well (in a pyx file), but allowing users to do this in pure python is more important.

Edit : If this helps, a solution could be to use the pseudocode given here: http://docs.cython.org/src/userguide/pyrex_differences.html#cpdef-functions

But there are two problems then :

  • I don't know how to write this pseudocode in Cython
  • maybe there is a better approach

The solution is somewhat complicated, but it is possible. There is a fully working example here: https://bitbucket.org/chadrik/cy-cxxfwk/overview

Here is an overview of the technique:

Create a specialized subclass of class A whose purpose will be to interact with a cython extension:

// created by cython when providing 'public api' keywords:
#include "mycymodule_api.h"

class CyABase : public A
  PyObject *m_obj;

  CyABase(PyObject *obj);
  virtual ~CyABase();
  virtual int override_me(int a);

The constructor takes a python object, which is the instance of our cython extension:

CyABase::CyABase(PyObject *obj) :
  // provided by "mycymodule_api.h"
  if (import_mycymodule()) {
  } else {


Create an extension of this subclass in cython, implementing all non-virtual methods in the standard fashion

cdef class A:
    cdef CyABase* thisptr
    def __init__(self):
        self.thisptr = new CyABase(

    #------- non-virutal methods --------
    def calculate(self):
        return self.thisptr.calculate()

Create virtual and pure virtual methods as public api functions, that take as arguments the extension instance, the method arguments, and an error pointer:

cdef public api int cy_call_override_me(object self, int a, int *error):
        func = self.override_me
    except AttributeError:
        error[0] = 1
        # not sure what to do about return value here...
        error[0] = 0
        return func(a)

Utilize these function in your c++ intermediate like this:

CyABase::override_me(int a)
  if (this->m_obj) {
    int error;
    // call a virtual overload, if it exists
    int result = cy_call_override_me(this->m_obj, a, &error);
    if (error)
      // call parent method
      result = A::override_me(i);
    return result;
  // throw error?
  return 0;

I quickly adapted my code to your example, so there could be mistakes. Take a look at the full example in the repository and it should answer most of your questions. Feel free to fork it and add your own experiments, it's far from complete!

Excellent !

Not complete but sufficient. I've been able to do the trick for my own purpose. Combining this post with the sources linked above. It's not been easy, since I'm a beginner at Cython, but I confirm that it is the only way I could find over the www.

Thanks a lot to you guys.

I am sorry that I don't have so much time go into textual details, but here are my files (might help to get an additional point of view on how to put all of this together)

setup.py :

from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext

    cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext},
    ext_modules = [
              sources=["elps.pyx", "src/ITestClass.cpp"],

TestClass :

#ifndef TESTCLASS_H_
#define TESTCLASS_H_

namespace elps {

class TestClass {

    virtual ~TestClass(){};

    int getA() { return this->a; };
    virtual int override_me() { return 2; };
    int calculate(int a) { return a * this->override_me(); }

    int a;


} /* namespace elps */
#endif /* TESTCLASS_H_ */

ITestClass.h :


// Created by Cython when providing 'public api' keywords
#include "../elps_api.h"

#include "../../inc/TestClass.h"

namespace elps {

class ITestClass : public TestClass {
    PyObject *m_obj;

    ITestClass(PyObject *obj);
    virtual ~ITestClass();
    virtual int override_me();

} /* namespace elps */
#endif /* ITESTCLASS_H_ */

ITestClass.cpp :

#include "ITestClass.h"

namespace elps {

ITestClass::ITestClass(PyObject *obj): m_obj(obj) {
    // Provided by "elps_api.h"
    if (import_elps()) {
    } else {

ITestClass::~ITestClass() {

int ITestClass::override_me()
    if (this->m_obj) {
        int error;
        // Call a virtual overload, if it exists
        int result = cy_call_func(this->m_obj, (char*)"override_me", &error);
        if (error)
            // Call parent method
            result = TestClass::override_me();
        return result;
    // Throw error ?
    return 0;

} /* namespace elps */

EDIT2 : A note about PURE virtual methods (it appears to be a quite recurrent concern). As shown in the above code, in that particular fashion, "TestClass::override_me()" CANNOT be pure since it has to be callable in case the method is not overridden in the Python's extended class (aka : one doesn't fall in the "error"/"override not found" part of the "ITestClass::override_me()" body).

Extension : elps.pyx :

cimport cpython.ref as cpy_ref

cdef extern from "src/ITestClass.h" namespace "elps" :
    cdef cppclass ITestClass:
        ITestClass(cpy_ref.PyObject *obj)
        int getA()
        int override_me()
        int calculate(int a)

cdef class PyTestClass:
    cdef ITestClass* thisptr

    def __cinit__(self):
       ##print "in TestClass: allocating thisptr"
       self.thisptr = new ITestClass(<cpy_ref.PyObject*>self)
    def __dealloc__(self):
       if self.thisptr:
           ##print "in TestClass: deallocating thisptr"
           del self.thisptr

    def getA(self):
       return self.thisptr.getA()

#    def override_me(self):
#        return self.thisptr.override_me()

    cpdef int calculate(self, int a):
        return self.thisptr.calculate(a) ;

cdef public api int cy_call_func(object self, char* method, int *error):
        func = getattr(self, method);
    except AttributeError:
        error[0] = 1
        error[0] = 0
        return func()

Finally, the python calls :

from elps import PyTestClass as TC;

a = TC(); 
print a.calculate(1);

class B(TC):
#   pass
    def override_me(self):
        return 5

b = B()
print b.calculate(1)

This should make the previous linked work hopefully more straight to the point we're discussing here...

EDIT : On the other hand the above code could be optimized by using 'hasattr' instead of try/catch block :

cdef public api int cy_call_func_int_fast(object self, char* method, bint *error):
    if (hasattr(self, method)):
        error[0] = 0
        return getattr(self, method)();
        error[0] = 1

The above code, of course, makes a difference only in the case where we don't override the 'override_me' method.

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