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how to validate cell number

i have to validate the cell no and my requirements are :

1.filed must not empty 2. if user enter alphabetic value it pop-up "alphabets are not allowed" 3. field must start with "+" sign 4. if filed value is less than 13 it pop-up "please enter valid phone no"

i am using this code..

function validateForm()

    var cell = document.reg_form.cellno.value;
                alert("Please enter cell number");
                return false;

           if(isNaN(cell)||cell.indexOf(" ")!=-1)
                 alert("Enter numeric value")
                 return false; 

            if (cell.charAt(0)!="+")
                alert("Cell no should start with +");
                return false

                if(cell.length < 13) 
              alert("You have entered wrong number");
              return false;
return true;

some code is not working here when i enter numeric value.. it shows {"Cell no should start with "+"} when i put {+} sign it says please enter numeric value when i enter only single numeric value like {9} it goes forward.. although in this way field has only 2 value "+" and "9".. it should pop-up {"You have entered wrong number"}

please tell me where i made the mistake....

A regular expression that matches only a plus sign and 12 digits:

function validateForm(){
    var cell = document.reg_form.cellno;
     return  /^\+\d{12}$/.test(cell.value);


if(cell.length < 13) 
function validateForm()
     var cell=document.reg_form.cellno.value;
     var msg="";
         msg="Please enter cell number";
         return false;

     if(isNaN(cell)) msg+="\nEnter numeric value";
     if (cell.charAt(0)!="+") msg+="\nCell no should start with +";
     if(cell.length != 13) msg+="\nCell number must be within 13 characters";
         return false;
     return true;  

An example is here .

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