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sqlite and hibernate - is good idea?

I am developing a small desktop application with Java + Hibernate. I am using MySQL for development but want to replace it with light version of SQL like SQLLite . I want to do this for following reasons:

  • To avoid installation and configuration of MySQL. This will allow my clients to install and configure the application on their own.
  • To ease backup and restore of DB.
  • etc.

I found SQLLiteDialect, its configurations and a working sample eclipse project(uses hibernate3) on http://code.google.com/p/hibernate-sqlite/ .

But when I read the comment on a question : " Since SQLite database is widely used and it is not well supported by Hibernate in java,it's not easy to use SQLite with Hibernate " I got frightened.

Can you please suggest me - is it a good idea to use SQLite here? Are there any alternative to SQLite that is well supported by Hibernate?

I think there are pros and cons to every DB out there. For embedded DB's, you could also look at HSQLDB or H2DB.

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