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How to use HTML field name in javascript if the field name contains a “.” (dot)?

I am using <detail:form> and <tags:field > in my jsp page. I tried to see the source code the browser generates using firebug and it showed to me that the form name is " checkForm " and all of the field names has "check." as a prefix. So one of the field's (it is a radio button) name is check.isEndorseByApplicant .

What I am trying to achieve is, when a some element in a drop down menu is selected, I wanted to change the radio button from yes to no. The problem is since the field contains dot in its name, I can't do that. ie document.checkForm.check.isEndorseByApplicant is not working for me. There is no way I can take out the dot from the field's name at this time. Any ideas?

            function autoSelect(checkEndorsement)


. . .

<detail:form object="check" >

. . . .

<td><tags:field property="isEndorseByApplicant" onclick="autoSelect(this.form);"  /></td>


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