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16-bit C code compiled with GCC

How do I compile 16-bit C code with GCC? I am trying to write a flat bootloader that just writes "Hello World!" to the computer and halts.

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    char* value = "Hello World!";
        mov si, value
        cmp al, 0
        je halt
        mov bx, 0x0007 ; Black BG, White TXT
        mov ah, 0x0E   ; Teletype output
        int 0x10
        jmp loop

You don't. You can't. GCC doesn't generate 16-bit x86 code.

Use Open Watcom C/C++ or the ancient Turbo C++ (v 1.01 is freely available online).

It is possible to write 16 bit boot-loader , kernel in c . You need to put .code16 or .code16gcc at the top of the file to tell the compiler to generate 16 bit object file .

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