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ORA-01843 Not a Valid Month with Oracle SQL

I'm using a sql statement in my program.

stringBuffer sql=new StringBuffer();
sql.append("insert into customer (id,createddate) ");
sql.append("values (1,");
sql.append("'"+new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())+"'");

String results=jdbcTemplate.update(sql.toString();

when i executed above command,i got this exception nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01843: not a valid month

i should bind the current date ,how do i solve this issue.


If you can use the DB's date then use sysdate ie:

stringBuffer sql=new StringBuffer();
sql.append("insert into customer (id,createddate) ");
sql.append("values (1,sysdate)");

Or you can add a to_date to the query:

stringBuffer sql=new StringBuffer();
sql.append("insert into customer (id,createddate) ");
sql.append("values (1,to_date(");
sql.append("'"+<your TimeStamp converted to a String like yyyyMMddHHmmss>+"', 'yyyymmddhh24miss'");

Or use a PreparedStatement as here

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