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regex extract value from the string between delimiters

I have a large String and I need to extract String value from it. String value is located between delimiters

category = '



This is my regex, but I need to avoid outputing delimiters.

String productCategory = Regex.Match(html, @"category = '(.*?)';").Value;

This is the exampe category = 'Video Cards';

and I need to extract Video Cards

What you can use is the lookahead and lookbehind operators, so you end up with something like:

string pattern = @"(?<=category = ').*(?=';)";
string productCategory = Regex.Match(html, pattern ).Value;

It's also worth mentioning that parsing HTML with regexes is a bad idea . You should use an HTML parser to parse HTML.

Have you considered using the MatchObj.Groups property? If you test your current regex at a testing site like Derek Slager's , you'll notice exactly what you want is the first Group. You should simply be able to invoke the first Group and get what you need.



String productCategory = Regex.Match(html, @"category = '(.*?)';").Groups[1].Value; 

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