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Extract sub-directory name from URL in ASP.NET C#

I want to be able to extract the name of a sub-directory of a URL and save it to a string from the server-side in ASP.NET C#. For example, lets say I have a URL that looks like this:


How would I get the value 'directory2' from the URL?

Uri class has a property called segments :

var uri = new Uri("http://www.example.com/directory1/directory2/default.aspx");
Request.Url.Segments[2]; //Index of directory2


string url = (new Uri(Request.Url,".")).OriginalString


You can use System.Uri to extract the segments of the path. For example:

public partial class WebForm1 : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var uri = new System.Uri("http://www.example.com/directory1/directory2/default.aspx");

Then the property "uri.Segments" is a string array (string[]) containing 4 segments like this: ["/", "directory1/", "directory2/", "default.aspx"].

You can use split method of string class to split it on /

Try this if you want to pick page directory

string words = "http://www.example.com/directory1/directory2/default.aspx";
string[] split = words.Split(new Char[] { '/'});
string myDir=split[split.Length-2]; // Result will be directory2

Here is example from MSDN. How to use split method.

using System;
public class SplitTest
  public static void Main() 
     string words = "This is a list of words, with: a bit of punctuation" +
                           "\tand a tab character.";
     string [] split = words.Split(new Char [] {' ', ',', '.', ':', '\t' });
     foreach (string s in split) 
        if (s.Trim() != "")
// The example displays the following output to the console:
//       This
//       is
//       a
//       list
//       of
//       words
//       with
//       a
//       bit
//       of
//       punctuation
//       and
//       a
//       tab
//       character

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