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generating import using Jcodemodel

I am trying to generate java code using Jcodemodel.

  1. How to generate required import statements using Jcodemodel?

  2. How to automatically generate the implementation of interface methods when a class implements the interface?


     interface Act { void act(); } 

    using Jcodemodel, how to generate the interface method in implementation class? whether do I need to write method using JMethod? Is there any other way to auto generate the implementation methods?

  3. How to generate required imports for a class?

Kindly,guide me

You should use the method

JClass importedClass= codeModel.ref("example.com.impl.MyClass");

And make sure example.com.impl.MyClass is in your classpath. In the generated java source, the import example.com.impl.MyClass statement will be automatically added for you.

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