cost 228 ms
JCodeModel ref not imported

I'm trying to create a class (MoMoTest.class) which extends a generic abstract class (MappingObject.class). Everything looks good, except that JCodeMo ...

JCodeModel Create Annotation

Hi I am relatively new to JCodeModel. I have the follwoing annotation over my class How can I create Annotation for the following using JCodeModel. ...

Nested Annotation in JCodeModel

I would like to create a CompoundIndexes annotation from the XML file like below. However, I don't know how to put CompoundIndex Annotation with a ...

2018-08-25 06:59:55   1   34    jcodemodel  
Adding a type for a variable

jcodemodel makes it possible to add private attributes by doing something like: However, what happens instead of using a class from the JDK you ar ...

2017-04-13 22:12:12   1   63    jcodemodel  

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